Art, Design and Media by Matthew K. Grundy

Welcome to Diecast Design, the portfolio website of Matthew K. Grundy - I'm an artist, illustrator and graphic designer who specializes in work for music. I've spent the last 25 years working with artists, bands, labels, managers and promoters creating packaging for vinyl albums, cassettes, CDs and digital music releases, artwork for t-shirts and other merchandise, posters, adverts, videos and social media content.

Having spent even longer than that playing in bands and releasing records, I have a keen understanding of the practical needs for artwork from musicians at the DIY level up to large touring bands, as well as promoter, labels and festivals. I'm focused on delivering art and design work that is eye-catching, fits the artist's vision, can work across packaging, merchandise, advertising and social media, and is delivered to the artist's budget.


Twin Peaks Poster

February 18th 2025

Twin Peaks poster by illustrator Matthew K. Grundy

Bit of personal work - since the death of David Lynch, I've been revisiting his work and the influence it's had on me creatively.

I first experienced the wonder of David Lynch when Twin Peaks happened, when I was in my late teens... which led me to his films... which led me to a whole world of cinema that has enhanced my life. And I guess I went into it with eyes open as to what it could be, because of the paradigm he had set - that art can be more than the sum of its parts, that sometimes feel can overtake narrative, and that creativity can so often being about chasing down how to express something you can't quite articulate, because if you could it would seem to disappear.

While the second season of Twin Peaks is not without it's flaws, I think the final episode, for which Lynch returned, remains one of the most iconic episodes of TV ever made (probably only topped by the double-episode finale of season 3). And the moment from that episode when Bob takes Windom Earle's soul, is the high-point. Frank silva movement and body position is so idiosyncratic that the scene has been scorched into my brain ever since... so I sat down to draw it. Came out OK, I think - I might do some prints of this, so if anyone is interested, hit me up. There's a Laura Palmer version as well as a Cooper one, cos I couldn't decide between the two.


earthtone9 arc'tan'gent vinyl


VHS cassette of Burial Rot video


Diamondback BMX


Hit The Deck festival logo


Sleaford Mods poster


Framed poster